Thursday, May 27, 2010


Okay so I found a place that was open until ten and I took advantage as you won't be hearing from me for awhile as we leave for Zambia tomorrow on a train that takes 40 hours! It goes through national parks and should be a wonderful ride so don't feel too bad for us! :) So where was I was explaining my bus ride to Tanzania, which was an experience. We actually met two Indian guys who work for the UN in Congo, but are traveling throughout Africa on vacation. We spoke with them a lot and they came to the hostel with us as they had nothing booked in advance. Ate dinner at a local dive place and I have become quite the vegetarian lately....hahaha! Since it was a long journey for us, we hit the hay after that as we had to get up very early again today to take a ferry to Zanzibar. Zanzibar is a nice island that is famous for the main slave port. We took a city tour along with a spice tour today and it was fabulous!! I never knew where so many of our spices originated from!! Our guide was extremely informative and spoke excellent English so naturally I was full of questions! ;) Then we went off on our city tour where we saw the horrifyingly small space that 75 slaves were kept in (pictures to come). The city is adorned with beautiful doors all intricately carved out of wood or ebony. A very very nice place to visit in which we hope we can come back to as there is much more to see and not nearly enough time!! Well I am off as we just met another fellow traveler and they are waiting for me to go to a local bar. I guess more lack of sleep for me, although sleep is overrated in this case!! I'll have plenty of time to sleep on the train ride!!

Love from Tanzania,

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